Learn how ashwagandha benefits hypothyroidism and what it is.
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Ashwagandha is an evergreen plant native to regions of Africa, the Middle East, and India. Ashwagandha is also known as Indian ginseng or winter cherry. It includes a number of bioactive substances. In addition, Ashwagandha has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. It has gained popularity as an alternative treatment for thyroid problems. Ashwagandha’s cortisol-lowering effects may be responsible for its ability to reduce stress and anxiety.
Although there is conflicting information, preliminary research shows how ashwagandha benefits hypothyroidism resulting in higher serum levels, after taking Ashawghanda.
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Hypothyroidism-adrenal fatigue
On top of each kidney are tiny, triangular glands known as adrenal glands. Hormones produced by the adrenal glands assist in controlling blood pressure, metabolism, immune system, stress response, and other vital processes.
Additionally, your thyroid gland works with your adrenal glands. If you experience fatigue, weight gain, bowel problems, insomnia, or mental sluggishness while taking thyroid medication, it may be time to examine the relationship between high cortisol (stress hormone) levels and adrenal health.
Prolonged stress from adrenal fatigue will negatively affect your cortisol and thyroid hormone levels.
Food affects adrenal glands
Bad eating habits affect the health of your adrenal glands and ultimately contribute to adrenal fatigue. The reason processed foods affect the adrenal glands is that processed foods have both nutrients and fiber removed during processing. Moreover, the added synthetic food coloring and preservatives is toxic to your body and creates inflammation. Additionally, these foods no longer have fiber that slows down absorption. Therefore, when you eat highly refined foods, they are quickly absorbed into your bloodstream and raise your blood sugar.
When a person gets into the habit of eating cereals, breads, pastas, and snacks throughout the day, their blood sugar levels will continuously rise and fall. Hence, creating stress and inflammation in your body.
Eating habits when suffering from hypothyroidism
Another stressor associated with adrenal fatigue is not eating consistently throughout the day. Some people will skip breakfast, then endulge on donuts or chips before eating a healthy meal.
This way of eating involves playing yo-yo with your blood sugar, which puts a strain on your adrenal glands.
Over a period of time, this can lead to increased cortisol levels, thyroid disorders, weight gain, and other health conditions.
Does ashwagandha affect hormones?
Stress, inflammation, and hormonal irregularities are three major variables that affect your menstrual cycle that ashwagandha helps with. By controlling reproductive hormones such serum gonadotropin hormones, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), it helps control your menstrual cycle.
in a 2022 case report, taking ashwagandha may result in thyrotoxicosis, which is a rare excessive amount of thyroid hormones in their bloodstream.
Ashwagandha and thyroid medication
Natural supplements should be taken several hours after thyroid medication, as to not interfere with the medication. Moreover, there is proof that ashwagandha may interact with some medications, such as those for high blood pressure, diabetes, and immune system suppressants. Furthermore, taking any natural supplements should be discussed with your primary doctor before use.
How ashwagandha benefits hypothyroidism
When you’re under chronic stress, your cortisol levels are consistently high. Thus, the benefits of Ashwagandha supplements helps the body deal with stress by stimulating adrenal function and reduces cortisol levels.
Additionally, along with Ashwagandha supplements, you must incorporate nutritional meals, stress reducing exercises, and other supplements that would benefit the thyroid.