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How To Treat Sciatica Naturally

How To Treat Sciatica Naturally

Natural remedies for sciatic pain

Before we learn how to treat sciatica naturally, we must first know what sciatica is. And what causes sciatic nerve pain. Then, you will have a better understanding of how to treat sciatica naturally.

What is Sciatica?

The pronunciation of sciatic is, sai·a·tuh·kuh.

Sciatic nerve pain, often referred to as sciatica, can indeed be an affliction that strikes unexpectedly and without a clear trigger. This type of pain typically impacts only one side of the body and originates in the lower back, from where it can radiate outward. Starting from its point of origin, the discomfort can travel through the hips, descending into the buttocks, and then it may follow a path down through the legs, reaching as far as the feet

The nature of sciatic pain varies among individuals; some may experience a mild, dull ache, while others might suffer from sharp, burning sensations, or even an electric shock-like feeling. At times, this pain can significantly intensify when one engages in specific actions, such as when sitting for extended periods, or while coughing or sneezing. In some cases, sciatica can also be accompanied by symptoms like muscle weakness, numbness, or tingling in the affected leg and foot, which not only affects one’s comfort but can also impact mobility and daily functioning.

It is important to recognize that while sciatica can be quite severe, it is also a symptom rather than a standalone medical condition. It generally indicates the presence of an underlying issue affecting the sciatic nerve, such as a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or a bone spur on the spine which may irritate or compress the nerve. Due to the potential complexity of its causes, anyone experiencing persistent sciatic nerve pain should consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.

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Sciatica Symptoms

Sciatica Symptoms

Sciatica symptoms can include, but are not restricted to:

  • Shooting pain, numbness, or weakness in your lower back, hip or buttocks.
  • Pain that radiates from your hip down to the foot.
  • A burning sensation in the lower back.

Traditional Sciatica Pain Treatment

The traditional way of treating sciatic nerve pain is by:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDS) medicines
  • Apply a hot heating pad or cold compress to the affected area.
  • Keeping active to minimize inflammation from having a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Surgery (to repair your herniated disk.)

How to Treat Sciatica Naturally?

How to treat sciatica naturally? Not only are more people staying away from pharmaceuticals, they are using natural remedies to treat sciatic nerve pain. Below are remedies on how to treat sciatica naturally.

Essential Oils

How to treat sciatica naturally with essential oils? They are not only fo aromatic use, they also provide healing benefits when applied topically. The list of essential oils below that may help with sciatica pain and inflammation can be applied to the pain site separately or together as a tincture blend.

  • Lavender: lavender has a pain relieving effect.
  • Bergamot: reduces nerve pain.
  • Rosemary: rosemary for pain management.
  • Eucalyptus: for pain relief.
  • Chamomile: to sooth pain.
  • Ginger: ginger is pain relieving, and anti-inflammatory.
  • Frankincense: is an anti-inflammatory.

We recommend to use one of the carrier oils below, because they are highly concentrated and may cause skin irritation from the potency.

Coconut Oil
Avocado Oil
Almond Oil
Jojoba Oil
Grapeseed Oil

Make sure the essential oils you use are organic and for therapeutic uses.

Use the essential oil mixing chart below. Thus, you’ll be able to create a perfect customized pain relieving blend.

Stretching Exercises for Sciatic Pain

knowing how to treat sciatica naturally with stretching exercises will greatly diminish the sciatica pain with minutes. Stretches that target the lower back and legs should be performed on a regular basis. Here are 3 effective stretches for sciatic pain. Note: Use an excercise mat to help make the floor excercises more comfortable.

Knee to Chest Stretching:

Lie down on your back, either on an excercise mat or a bed. Bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor. Using your hands, pull left knee toward your chest and hold for a count of 10. Repeat the movement with the opposite knee. Next, use your hands to bring both knees to your chest and count to 10. Repeat these steps 5 times.

Lower Body Rotation:

Lie on your back with both knees bent and feet flat as before. Hold both knees together, rotate your knees to the left and hold for a count of 10. Next, rotate your knees to the right and hold for another count of 10. Do this stretch five times.

Pelvic Tilt Stretch for Sciatic Pain

Lie on your back as before. Tighten your stomach muscles while pushing your belly button toward the floor until your lower back touches the floor. Hold for the count of 5. Repeat this movement ten times.

Stretching exercises is the best way on how to treat sciatica naturallywith fast results.

Light Therapy for Sciatica

The use of light therapy and its various forms, is rising in popularity. Also, for the treatment of sciatic nerve pain in particular, light therapy is great alternative to treat nerve pain.

How Light Therapy Works

Light therapy works by boosting blood flow to the injured area, which in turn triggers an immunological response in the body.

By reaching deeply into muscles, joints, and bones through the skin, infrared light therapy enhances circulation throughout the body. Additionally, light therapy aids in healing by giving the injured organ nutrition and oxygen. Infrared treatment can also be applied to treat joint, muscular, and sciatic nerve pain. Furthermore, light treatment is a logical choice on how to treat sciatica naturally, due to its many benefits.

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